Thursday, December 20, 2012

Broken glasses, a thought experiment.

I know such frustration in interacting with the real world, that I decided to take 2 pairs of identical imaginary glasses and break one pair. 1st I imagined to put on the good pair I could see quite clearly and quickly through them and I imagined wearing them. I reached out and grabbed the door on the very first try, every time! I had a perfect shot in basketball, and I never ran into a wall. My reactions where all right on time and I could drive and see where I was going just fine. Than I imagined to put on the broken pair, I missed the imaginary door and when I tried to sit in a chair I hit the flour, realizing it was not there. At first I tried to focus on all the things that just didn't work quite right and I was fully blinded by simple changes in the light. Then I noticed something more, a rainbow of colors I had not seen before! In time I could see things to my side and far away, getting things right could take all day but I understood so many things a person with good glasses never could. I could find a mistake in a second! I was never distracted by the things that they place right in front of a persons face! I could not run quickly but my motions where so unpredictable that I always got away! Please understand that I where my broken glasses everyday and I keep the good pair in my mind safely tucked away.