In a small hamlet long ago, we sat their by the fire as my father told us of a thin man wearing a thick coat of many colors who came to the village and offered to get rid of the rats, in exchange he requested bread for the next village over the mountain, where the winter had hit very hard and food was hard to find. Then the towns folk notice the man putting his hand down as he played. He had tricked them, it was just the wind passing through the cliff. They refused to pay the piper, so he played his pipe again, walking sadly off the cliff and the children became sad and walked off the cliff too.
Then over the mountain they came crying out with joy. Their relatives arrived. When the slender man did not return, they had no food and no choice but to head for the next village themselves they thought they would surely die. Eagerly than ran into the safety of their relatives small tiny homes where they stayed all winter...before plumbing with nothing to eat but beans and cabbage...snowed in before plumbing, with nothing to eat but beans and cabbage and then it was just the rotting flesh of the dead.
The next year every child born in the whole village was named Joe Smith, after the thin man...He is just an average Joe like anyone else, so feed him even if he didn't do any work, because he is family, and if you don't share with your family they might move all winter...before plumbing with nothing to eat but beans and cabbage...snowed in before plumbing, with nothing to eat but beans and cabbage.
and then it was just the rotting flesh of the dead.
So the next year Both towns got together an they through a big party where they drew lots and killed 3 unlucky people with a great big ax.
The next year they gave everyone skull candies and killed a few of people that way.
Let us pass a wave through time as I introduce "Science is a Process Not Deity" with Other ways to pay a piper...
Other Ways to Pay Piper
1 No Need for Nuclear Use The Force Diagrams, Vectors and The G Equation Luke!
2 Will The Pipers Go Home, Remembering History of Not being Paid By Corrupt Industries?
3 Peaceful Ways to Pay Piper