Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Twins

When I was 3 years old my mother told me a story about 2 twins, they did not feel pain. They pulled a dresser on top of themselves and died laughing.
Is it really a disorder to feel pain, from harmful things? Feeling pain from sound or over-stimulation or lack of motion may be as natural as feeling pain from a burn of a cut. These things are associated real dangers. Sounds and lights are used to attract people to unsafe places like bars, casinos, and wild parties. Lack of motion, may also be painful, especially for people with hypermobility syndrome who need mussels to support their bodies structure and maintain energy flow throughout the body.
Pain is a warning not a disorder, it is important to be aware of predators. Be aware that predators are exploiting kids in schools by forcing them to sit still for a profit. The restriction of motion and lack of choice in schools is bad for children. The schools are becoming more and more like factory farms. Children are being kept in smaller spaces, given more drugs and less nutrition. Children are given a standardized education graded and forced to sell themselves as products. I have been made to feel like a defective product, but I am not a product I am a person.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

I Put My Palm On the Table

It seem cruel how everyone is expected to play a part, and they get bullied if they don't play it just right, and the part is not the same from place to place or person to person. I put my palm on on the table so they know. They try to turn my arm to make it look just right, but no one is really the same and we need to have forgiveness.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hearing All the Voices in the Room

I often wonder how many people are aware of what people talk about. As far back as I can remember I have been able to tune in people talking and observe their various ways of interacting with others. I notice groups of people and it seems they are not fully aware of other groups. Even on a very small playground, groups of kids had viewed different information, they had different rules. These groups engage in repetitive behaviors and ignore certain information, so they can form a common pairadime, that is incomplete and threatening to other groups. This is normal behavior. If groups could simply forgive social rules and pairadime variation they could understand a larger picture through the exchange of information. People maintain bonds that inhibit growth. I see different pictures being clearly formed by the media. I find it threatening to see so many divergent and hateful views are being promoted from common pharmaceutical industry supported sources. No matter how convincing the media may be I will not fear people based on adjectives. I will try to help others, regardless of views, I will state my views and not expect others to shift their views to match mine. I will learn to not overstate my views on other sites. I will instead write my own blogs and start my own groups for people who are interested in understanding more. I will try to understand everyone, but I get bored easily and will move on. Show me things that keep me interested. Teach me how to unite people. Let us protect our planet from the corporations that are destroying it for profit. Let us make our planet suitable for all people and plants and animals.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Seeing the Blue Puzzle Piece

I see it on the TV screen in the corner of my eye. the blue puzzle. Such a meaningless little thing. Suddenly I know and I do not know why. It is blue like David's eyes. Like the color of his skin Just before he dies. I saw him lying there on the shore. Like that little blue pill that destroyed my life, and the comedown every night. I can see him clearly as I am losing my sense of time. I can see the man in the blue paper suit at the jail and I see his blood is red like the carpet on the floor. I am losing my sense of time. The past distorts the present, the future distorts the past. ( Voice of spock) This type of thinking is illogic, please stop. (with small dog baking in the background with a loudness amplified by a factor 10). And I hear David said come here and I look inside the closet. (voice of 3 year old child) Why? Voice of 6 six year child because it fritens me. ( Voice of spock) This type of thinking is also illogic, please stop. (image of 3 year old child screaming in closet with bright red carpet. in full greenberg effect)(voice of 3 year old child)" don't hug me! don't kiss me! don't touch me! (Image of very skinny 16 year old David standing by the shore with blank look on his face). Now I have that same look on my face as Dr Loobs escorts me to the counselling office I am laughing and repeating I'm fit to proceed, I'm fit to proceed, I'm fit to proceed,...(Image of 8 year old David's chest with a small amount of blood on it) sick feeling in my stomach... Somehow I knew just looking at that one puzzle piece that it was part of the Risperdal marketing campaign and worse, I was right...and worse still I can see all that and more happening at once in less time than it takes to blink an eye. Now that is one weird lense.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Person first language.

For Intelligent people free expression is more important than grammar rules. For Creative people free expression is more important than grammar rules. For Autistic people free expression is more important than grammar rules. For everyone free expression is more important than grammar rules.